Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Brother

This week A1 has been writing stories about our families.  Watch the story that Bonnie wrote about her brother.

The Bears Come to School

Tihei wrote a story about what he did with his bear on the day of the Teddy Bear's picnic. This is the first time Tihei has recorded a story for the blog and he did a great job!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Making Gingerbread Men
Last week A1 read one of our favourite books The Gingerbread Man and on Friday we made gingerbread men. We had to be very careful to shut the doors and the windows so that they did not run away.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Donkey

This week A1 has been writing stories about the toys they brought to school for the Teddy Bear's picnic. Here is Armaan's story.