Saturday, June 18, 2011

Feeding the Giraffe

During a recent to the zoo,  A1 was able to feed the giraffes.  This is the story that Kyrah wrote.


A2 said...

Wow Kyrah, that was a lovely story. I liked how you started your story by describing the day. Was it fun feeding the giraffe? I saw a picture of the giraffe's tongue. It is very long.

T said...

I like kyrahs story. But she was moving at the last part.

Unknown said...

Great story Kyrah. You read it very well.

Ms Mulrennan said...

Kyrah you wrote a very good story, I especially liked the way you started it. You also read it in a clear voice and looked at the camera. Well done!

Elisha and kyrah said...

It was good

kyrah said...

It was good